After months of bachelorette parties, bridal showers, and weddings—I realized that most of my Material Girl girlfriends were becoming… domesticated.

We didn't grow up learning how to cook. Or do the dishes.

After a childhood filled with many nights at Chinese, Sushi, Thai and Pizza—I left for college knowing only how to make grilled cheese and reservations.

Being glamorous and fabulous in the kitchen seems like a real contradiction. Who wants to spend hours cooking the perfect meal?

Personally, I would rather go shoe shopping.

COOKING IN HEELS TV (and Blog!) is a collection of both delicious and easy-to-make dishes I have created and learned over the years, using my yenta wit and 4-star dining taste buds.

Whether you're a single working girl in the city, browsing J-Date, getting married, or are moving in with your boyfriend (tall, dark, handsome), my recipes are structured for the "I've never turned on the oven" beginners, the "I'm not really sure if I'm doing this right" cooks and the "I can do that" meshuggeneh know-it- alls.