
Sometimes dessert needs to be, well… saucy. And this recipe does the trick!

Just be aware of how much alcohol you are actually ingesting.

I have had one too many experiences getting wasted at dinner / dessert parties and started acting like a fool. REMEMBER: this is NOT the best drink to have when you are at a party with: the guy you are really digging but the future of the relationship is up in the air, a boyfriend you are having a small tiff with, or your Ex just showed up with a hot bitch and you are trying to drown your sorrows.

Big mistake.

Otherwise, this recipe is perfect! Drink up!


  • ½ to ¾ cup of Whiskey
  • 2 - 3 scoops of Vanilla ice cream
  • ¼ cup of Milk
  • A Blender

Put all ingredients in and blend until it creates thick malt consistency.

How to Serve: Pour into glasses and drink wisely.

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