In the Jewish tradition, we toast to "L'Chaim" -- to Life!

And with everything going on in our world: the environment, the economy, we must stay positive and keep that spice of life alive in our relationships.

Sharing experiences is the easiest way to stay connected with your partner.

So, bring him into that kitchen! Cook together.

This BRISKET dish is great to make as a couple-- have him prep the carrots and onions and let him slice the meat!

Having a fun experience in the kitchen makes an easy transition to having a fun experience after dinner.

* Don't be fooled-- this dish is perfect for family and friends too!


  • 4-6lbs of 1st cut brisket
  • 2 onions – diced
  • Paprika (lots)
  • 2 bay leaf
  • Pepper, salt, garlic powder
  • 1 handful of diced Carrots
  • ½ can chopped Tomato (drained)
  • 1 can tomato sauce

Olive oil your pan. Sear brisket with onions over low, making onions light brown in color, add a lot of paprika!

Move meat and onions into a large pot. Cover in 1 can tomato sauce and 1/2 can of water, chopped tomato, carrots, peppers, bay leaf, and dashes of salt and pepper. Cover pot and cook for two hours on stovetop, no mixing. After two hours, let it cool... then slice brisket and put back with the sauce (in the pot) and cook another hour and a half. Add garlic powder, pepper and salt to taste!

How to Plate: This is so delicious, it doesn’t matter how it looks!


Taking the day off for Passover!

I'll be back tomorrow with my wonderful brisket recipe and some fabulous heels...


Valentino's Crystal Bow d'Orsay (courtesy of Neiman Marcus)

Jeweled shoes have been ruling the runway at every fashion week. Get some bling on those feet!


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

BUT it also makes your teeth whiter!

The apple's pectin
removes toxic substances and eliminates bacteria.

Take a bite today!


Breakfast for Dinner?! Am I INSANE?

Well, yes. Kinda sorta. But that's why you love me.

You know how everyone claims that breakfast is the most "important meal of the day"?

It can also be the healthiest-- of course, I am excluding those sugary sweet cereal eaters.

Eggs are incredible with some turkey bacon and coffee. Not to mention how AFFORDABLE they are.

Why not "fancy" them up and serve them for dinner?

In the following recipe, I replace ketchup with marinara sauce for a modern, mature, and flavorful twist.


  • 3 eggs
  • Marinara sauce
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Parmesan (optional)
  • Whole wheat French bread (optional)

Scramble your eggs in a bowl and throw in some salt and pepper. In a pre-heated (medium) non-stick pan, toss in your eggs and scramble them as they cook. Sprinkle in some Parmesan if you'd like to add cheese.

In a microwave safe bowl, warm up your marinara sauce. If you are eating with toast, diagonally slice up some French bread and toast.

How to Plate: If you are eating those carbs, place the toast on the plate, top with eggs THEN the marinara, and perhaps a dash of Parmesan. For the bread-free, plate without the bread.

** Side note: Another great breakfast for dinner is a Pesto Omelet. Recipe to come!**


Diane von Furstenberg's Garnet Heel (courtesy of

The shoes would look fabulous with my little black DvF wrap dress!


In a healthy relationship, you often have to wear many hats. You have to be a lover, a teacher, a nag, a best friend, a student, a confidante (I could go on)...

This below recipe is transformational. It works in dozens of dishes, all for the greater good of the meal.

A fabulous item to add to: pasta with some olive oil, a turkey sandwich, a cheese platter, a pizza... even goes great with some plain ole chicken.

  • 1 container of fresh cherry or grape tomatoes
  • salt
  • garlic powder
  • dried basil
  • olive oil (spray)
Preheat the oven to 375.

On a tin foil lined baking sheet, place all of your washed tomatoes. Sprinkle the tray with salt, garlic powder and some basil. It's okay if they don't stick to the tomatoes just yet. In this next step, they will.

Spray the tomatoes with olive oil. Aggressively shake the tray around to pick up the dry spices on the tin foil. They should be well coated.

Throw the baking sheet into the oven and every 5 minutes, shake the tray around. Bake until they shrivel and after a few tomatoes burst. (About 15 minutes)